Jun 23, 2018

JIN to Halt Promotions Due to Health Problems

[Xportsnews, via Naver Entertainment] [Official] Lovelyz JIN, halt in activities due to health issues..."As 7 for the time being"

[+88 | -1] Myungeun-ahㅠㅠ

[+40 | -2] I hope Myungeun will heal from her illness and come back ㅠㅠ

[+27 | -0] Myungeun-ah, don't be sick ㅠㅠ Lovelyz promoted so much last year and this year, so let's all not be sick and promote ㅠㅠ

[+19 | -1] Aigoo Myungeun-ah ㅠㅠ I hope you'll quickly recover

[+15 | -0] Whatever you do, your health comes first. I sincerely hope that she will recover.

[+5 | -0] She doesn't look well (that) she can't even do the activity that she likes. It was inevitable, but it's (still) so sad. Get well soon and let us know of the news ㅠㅠ

[+4 | -0] Don't be sick and come back healthily and bravelyㅠㅠㅠ

[+2 | -0] Myungeunieㅠㅠㅠ Get well soon and sing a lot with your pretty voice

[+2 | -0] Myungeunie will probably promote when she's recoveredㅠㅠ It's probably a temporary promotion, so 8velyz is better...ㅠ

[SportSeoul, via Naver Entertainment] Lovelyz JIN, temporary halt in activities due to health issues "7 for the time being"(Official)

[+85 | -7] ㅠㅠㅠㅠMy bias Myungeunie ㅜㅜ I hope you'll get well soon ㅜㅜ

[+47 | -6] Lovelyz's company, give the kids a break. If you look at when they release a song and promote in 2~3 months, of course there will be health problems..

[+14 | -3] Why are you sick, Myungeun-ahㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Don't be sick and recover your health. You're focusing on that, so I hope you'll get well soonㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

[+9 | -1] Tell me where you're hurting

[+4 | -1] No, what's this, unnieㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Myungeun-unnie, get well soon:-)♡

[MyDaily, via Naver Entertainment] [Official] Lovelyz JIN, temporary halt in activities "Health issues...as 7 for the time being" (Full)

[+144 | -26] Should've just have Infinite come back. This is annoying. Woollim gives comebacks to everyone except Infinite

[+50 | -4] Myungeun will come back when she's well, right? Woollim is hopeless;;;

[+27 | -4] Let the kids rest

[+16 | -0] Myungeun-ah, health is the most important. We'll wait for you. Myungeun-ah, cheer up!!

[+12 | -2] Please stop neglecting the kids. I can't even compliment you even if I wanted to. Get it together

[10Asia, via Naver Entertainment] Lovelyz JIN, temporary halt in activities due to health issues...Concentrate on recovering(Full)

[+44 | -0] Myungeun-ah, recover and come back bright

[+16 | -0] Myungeun-ah, come back healthy~♡♡♡

[+11 | -0] Myungeunie, we'll always cheer you on, so take it easy and I hope you'll concentrate on recovering!!

[+11 | -0] Ah... I hope Myungeunie-noonim will get well soon. Heuk...

[+10 | -0] Don't be sick, unnie!!! Make sure to come back healthyㅠㅠㅠ

[Sports Donga, via Naver Entertainment] Lovelyz JIN, temporary halt in activities due to health issues...Comeback as 7

[+51 | -1] Have a good rest and let's meet you on stage with a healthy image

[+29 | -0] Myungeunie, get some rest and get better soon! I hope Lovelyz who are coming back will wrap up their promotion healthily!

[+18 | -0] CEO Lee Jungyeop appeared on TV and said, "Taking care of our company's celebrities is our priority," so let's put those words into practice

[+14 | -0] Myungeun-ah, come back healthy~~♡♡♡

[+13 | -1] Poor Myungeunie... I hope you will quickly recover and promote together this time...

[MK, via Naver Entertainment] Lovelyz JIN, temporary halt in activities due to health issues "7 members"[Official]

[+63 | -0] Myungeun-ah, let's meet again healthily. Get some rest

[+15 | -0] Myungeunie-noona, Lovelinus can wait long, so rest well and get well soonㅠㅠ

[+7 | -0] Myungeun-ah ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ She was so thin this album (promotion) that I was shockedㅍㅍㅍ퓨ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Eat well.. Our precious main vocal ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I'll diligently listen to 'Gone' while waiting for Myungeun

[+5 | -0] Myungeun-ah, take this chance to rest well, eat well, and come back~~~

[+5 | -0] Myungeun-ah, don't be sick. Rest well and get well soon ㅜㅜㅠ

[Sports Chosun, via Naver Entertainment] [Official] Lovelyz JIN, temporary halt in activities due to health issues...7 members for the time being

[+71 | -0] Woollim-ah, let's take care of the kids.. Seriously, don't just say it... Do you have any idea what a complete group means to Lovelyz and Lovelinus? Seriously, take care of Myungeun. Myungeun, cheer up and let's meet again healthilyㅠㅠ

[+18 | -4] It's so obvious that their company really can't care for them. How can a member return and be sick? They're people too. Take care of (the members). They freaking can't do their job

[+10 | -0] I hope it's not a serious illnessㅠ Among idol vocals, she's the only member whom I adore. Rest well and I hope you'll recoverㅠㅠ

[+8 | -1] Rest well and let's meet after you're well

[+5 | -0] Myungeunieㅠㅠ Our beloved Myungeunie, get well soonㅠㅠ

[Herald Pop, via Naver Entertainment] Lovelyz JIN, temporary halt in activities due to health issues...7 members for the time being(Official)

[+66 | -4] She's a person who looks very kind...I'm not a fan of Lovelyz, but I like JIN-nim's voice. Hang in there.

[+46 | -0] It seems that rather than a promotion, all the members need a break

[+10 | -0] Myungeun-ah, rest well and let's come back healthy. Lovelinus will always be at the same place, so we'll always support you

[+7 | -0] Myungeun-ahㅜㅜ... I really liked her when she appeared on King of Masked Singerㅜㅜ Rest well, get well soon, and come baaack♡

[+5 | -0] Myungeunie-noona, please get well soon and come back healthyㅠㅠ

[StarNews, via Naver Entertainment] Lovelyz JIN, brief halt in activities due to health issues..7 members for the time being(Full)

[+44 | -1] ㅠㅠ Don't be sick, unnieㅠㅠㅠ

[+19 | -1] Myungeun lost a lot of weightㅠㅠㅠDon't be sick

[+12 | -2] Ah, I feel kind of uneasy. There are kids who withdraw because of health issues too. She'll return, right..?

[+9 | -0] Myungeunie, hang in there. But please also (take) care of Jisoo's knee...

[+2 | -0] Kids, please eat well



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