Oct 5, 2018

The Song That Earth Science Teachers Love

May 1st, 2016 - Half moon (Waning crescent)
Outfit color : Navy blue

May 8th, 2016- New moon
Outfit color : Black

May 15th, 2016 - Half moon (Waxing crescent)
Outfit color : Gray

May 22nd, 2016 - Full moon
Outfit color : White

(The title song 'Destiny' is a song that expresses the situation where the narrator "moon" revolves around her unrequited love "earth" but can't get close to them.)

(You’re my destiny / I can’t look away / You’re all I see
The moon's revolution and rotation periods are around 28 (27.3) days. Because the moon's revolution & rotation periods are similar, it always shows the same side to earth (the earth can't see the other side of the moon) and it rotates around earth.)

(You’re my destiny / I can never leave you / You’re my Earth / The center of my day
Satellite: The moon is earth's satellite. It can't leave even if it wants to. Also, the moon rising and setting = signifies a day.)

(Why do you keep circling around her? / When I revolve around you like the moon / I can’t take a step closer to you / You know how this feels too
Here, the girl is the sun. Like the moon revolving around earth, earth revolves around the sun. It has an orbit, so it can't break away from it. It's not just moon and earth, but the earth and the sun are identical.)

(Do you dream of her tonight? / Even when I shine on you / You end your day that way / For me, a day feels like a month
The earth's rotational period (day) is 0.99727. The moon's revolution and rotation periods are around 28 (27.3) days. The guy finds the girl (sun) even in the night where she (moon) exists. The day means the rotation period. A day on the moon = a month on earth.)

(I hope the dream stops / I hope the night wakes / I hope waves come crash with your calm heart
Water in the sea rises (high tide) and falls (low tide) twice a day. This is a phenomenon where the sea water is pulled by the gravitational force of the moon. Because of the moon's gravitational pull, there's high tide and low tide. The biggest cause of a wave is the wind, but the sea level also plays a part in the formation of a wave.)

(Your heart keeps leaning / Hot or cold it grows with the seasons / But my heart that is always directed to you / Not a single breeze of wind to be felt
The earth's rotation axis is tilted by 23.5 degree. Because of this, the seasons change. Also, there's no air on the moon, so the wind doesn't blow there.)

(How your day glows / Is there no room for me? / My heart fills then tips over / For me, a day feels like a month
The moon can't see the "glow" (when the sun is present). Saying that her heart is filled and tips over expresses that the moon is full and tilts. A day on the moon = 28 days (on earth.))

(For once, if I could stand between you and her / To hand you the ring of light / For once, just once / If I could block her from you / And fly through your day
A solar eclipse is when the moon stands between the sun and earth. The ring of light = a total solar eclipse where the sun can't be completely covered.)

Lovelyz's Destiny (My Earth)
Narrator - Moon
You - Earth
You's girl - Sun
They use earth science even in their lyrics in this manner

1. Woollim's scientific emotion

2. I think the 2 top female idols when it comes to stage outfits are Lovelyz and Oh My Girl... Just look at the detail, the concept, the colors?!

3. Haa...this is the best. I have to listen to the song....

4. The song that made me become a fan.. The MV is so pretty too

5. Heok, this is already a song from 2 years ago...

6. Ugh, everything is pretty. The song, lyrics, outfits, singers, the four-four time, everything was exact ㅠㅠㅠㅠ I really love this song ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

7. If you listen to the intro 'Moonrise' followed by 'Destiny', it's the best ㅜㅜ

8. The memory of when we were learning earth science and our teacher always putting this song on comes to mind

9. Whoa this is a song that I listened to a lot. Seeing it like this, the concept is really awesome. It's goosebump-inducing and coolㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

10. I knew itㅋㅋㅋ As soon as I saw the title, I clicked thinking it was about Lovelyz.. Lovelyz's title tracks are all really my style..

11. I love this songㅠ The lyrics are romantic....but...it's a bit scientific......

12. I like the moon and the song 'Destiny', so I love it even more!!!

13. We listened to the lyrics of this song during an earth science classㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

14. The earth-moon euphemism is so nice 8ㅁ8

15. ThisㅋㅋㅋMy earth science teacher said they loved the content [of 'Destiny'] and they had played this song in classㅋㅋㅋ


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