Dec 21, 2019

Lovelyz Performs Twinkle on Music Bank 3 Years in a Row

[Naver TV] [Music Bank] Twinkle - Lovelyz

[+734 | -40] This is it for this winter tooㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅠㅠI'm crying at Ryu Sujeong's openingㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

[+606 | -33] Korea's carol, Lovelyz's 'Twinkle', let's climb up the charts

[+544 | -31] Lovelyz's 'Twinkle'!! It really suits winterㅎㅎ ❤❤❤

[+485 | -28] It's 'Twinkle' season again ㅠㅠ To be able to watch this again after last year .. thank you, Music Bank ❤️ I really can't forget the excitement that I felt when I first heard it in 2017 .. The more I see it, it's a flawless season song .. I always feel that, but #Lovelyz really suits winter .. Now, I automatically look up and listen to this song whenever winter comes around ㅠㅠ Their vocal colors are all pretty and even the tracklist has clear winter feel.. They're honestly, without an ounce of lie, a group that I want to see and listen to for a long time ㅠㅠ Everyone, listen to #Twinkle and have a happy end of the year ❤️

[+455 | -29] Aren't they seriously crazy ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Thank you for doing this stage again

[+423 | -29] I say this every time, but all 8 of them are pretty^^

[+405 | -29] Lovelyz's own Christmas pension❤❤❤❤❤❤

[+375 | -27] 8velyz, good job in 2019

[+359 | -28] The re-arrangement today was so goodㅜㅜLovelyz's 'Twinkle', let's climb up the charts this year too❤

[+319 | -27] If 'Twinkle' had been promoted again for a week, I'm sure it would re-enter the charts

[+314 | -35] Kei in the thumbnail is pretty ❤❤❤

[+309 | -29] Merry Christmas, Lovedungies❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

[+308 | -36] Lee Mijoo is pretty

[+292 | -37] Lee Mijoo, I love you

[theqoo] [Music Bank] Lovelyz - Twinkle

1. The concept suits them

2. Seriously, 'Twinkle' is so exciting. It suits winter

3. I loved it

4. Whoa, that's incredible

5. The song is nice

6. Exciting winter feels

7. But when it turns this season, I also look up and listen to 'Twinkle'ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ By the way, Lovelyz is really pretty. They gradually become prettierㅋㅋㅋ

8. Today's outfits are so pretty. They're my type

9. Ryu Sujeong has bangs again? ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Personally, I thought her with no bangs and middle length short hair was freaking pretty. I'm sad

10. The outfits suit them so much and they're pretty


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