May 1, 2017

Pann Reacts To: Lovelyz's Individual Comeback Teasers

Hello! I don't know how I should start but
I'll just get to the point!
Did you hear of the news that Lovelyz is coming back in May?
People don't know much about this comeback
"What kind of vibe will the comeback have?"
I'm here to tell you! First, we'll start by looking at the individual&group teasers

What do you think? The teasers look dreamy and have the delicate beauty vibe, don't they?
I mean it's brimming with classical feelings too a little bit
If you watch the video too, I think you'll understand more about this exploding feeling of delicate beauty, so here's the link for the full version of the teaser!

In addition, let me explain the album. First, it's a repackaged album
The album name is [Now, We], and
It contains the 11 songs from their 'R U Ready?' album which was released last February
plus 2 new songs
This album can perhaps change the future
Also, this is the final gif!

Bye ~

[Pann] Lovelyz is coming back (May 2nd)

[+83 | -10] Please listen to Lovelyz's songs a lot!!

[+78 | -7] This person is the one whose extra images post was at the 'Talkers' Choice', right? The feeling is totally different...

[+59 | -10] They always create expectations. And as expected, it looks good this time too.

[+25 | -1] Seriously, I freaking anticipate it. I watched the prologue full version and the melody was crazy

[+24 | -1] The teasers look so good! With dreamy vibe, it sometimes goes away in 40~50 seconds and suddenly becomes bright!! This song is going to be something that I trust to listen to just like always!

[+19 | -0] I always anticipate Lovelyz's songs

[+14 | -0] I wonder if it'll be like Ah-Choo? Anyway, the song will be goodㅋㅋㅋI'm looking forward to it

[+13 | -4] Let's hit big nowㅠㅠㅠㅠ

[+12 | -1] Lovelyz, Inspirits are supporting you!!!! I hope you'll do well

[+12 | -1] Pretty. They're like Europe princesses~


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