Nov 5, 2017

Did Lovelyz's Coordis Make a Good Choice for This Era's Outfits?

Just looking at a few pictures, it's not a winter outfit

[Instiz] ????? Wait, Lovelyz wears that kind of outfit in this season?

1. Who's on the 3rd picture????? So pretty....
∟ Myungeuniㅜ
∟ JIN!
∟ Park Myungeun!

2. Please have a sense of season...Winter has come, so if they wear short sleevesㅠㅠ

3. The stage outfits should be different....? If they wear those then they're really crazy...
∟ I don't know but it's Woollim so it could be...

4. Their hair came out ample. I'm jelous..

5. Ah, Lovelyz are luxurious beauty, seriously ㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠI love it so much
∟ For real, they're the bestㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Luxuriouslyz, I love you

6. Seriously, Lovelyz have the vibe of aristocrat young ladies. It's great...
∟ Right, it's for real, a perfect match.... Dark, luxurious beauty like this is nice but if added with the girly concept they had, it's really my typeㅠㅠ

7. Yoo Jiae is so pretty

8. Wow but it's beautiful.......

9. If that's their stage outfit then for real, (Woollim) has no sense.... Brrrrrrr................................Heuk it looks so cold
∟ Right, it's really winter now. The material doesn't look warm either....ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

10. Apart for Yoo Jiae, it looks fine though?
∟ If you watch the video, all of them have short outfits. Yein and JIN have crop tops....
∟ I did, and it's not exactly a thin material either, and Ah-Choo outfits had crop tops too...
∟ But the material doesn't even look warm and the Ah-Choo promotion started in October, so.....ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ It's really winter now and the weather is unfavorable so I become more worried


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